
The original parish school was located in the grounds of the church and contained separate boys and girls schools. It remained in use as a parish hall from 1950 through to the 1980s when it was demolished.
The original form of the current school building was the vernacular school design seen throughout the country - a 4 classroom school with boys and girls' cloakrooms and toilets ( no staff room, library or storage) and it was unchanged in design, although well maintained, from the 1950s until 2004. The Department of Education finally agreed to an extension and refurbishment in 2002 - some 20 years after the initial application by Fr. Peter Farrelly, P.P. The work, which comprised reconfiguration of the existing 4 classrooms into 3 classrooms, removal of chimneys and fireplaces, building 3 new classrooms, a gym, office, staffroom and associated works, went to tender in 2003. The successful contractor was Thomas Mulvany Ltd. and the contract was completed in 2004. Bishop Michael Smith and Fr. Peter Farrelly, P.P. performed the official opening of the ‘new’ school in June 2005.
In 2008/9 school enrolment had increased to the point where 2 additional classrooms were required - this extension was approved by the Dept. of Education and was completed by Aidan Elliot Ltd in 2010.
Enrolment increased in the following years and in 2018 we again applied to the Dept. of Education for an extension of 2 classrooms and reconfiguration of internal offices and classrooms. Meath Co. Council recommended off-road car parking as a planning condition and this was included in the revised application to the Department. The tender was awarded to CJ Callan Ltd. and was completed in 2019. Concurrently with the development, the pitch at the rear of the school was levelled, drained and planted by Rock Sports Field Ltd.